Jamaican RnB singer Denyque is gracing us with her beautiful vocals once again on her latest project, a mixtape titled “S.E.T”, meaning ‘See Everything Transform’.
After releasing her highly successful “R.E.A.D.Y” EP in February 2024, which peaked at number 14 on the US iTunes Hip-Hop charts, Denyque knew a follow-up was needed. Initially, the intention was to do 3 EPs: “R.E.A.D.Y”, “S.E.T” and “G.O”.
“However, being the true artist that I am, meaning my mind changes in a heartbeat sometimes,” said Denyque jocularly, “I decided that ‘S.E.T’ needed to be a mixtape. So ‘R.E.A.D.Y’, which translates to ‘Release Everything And Do You’, was an EP then closely followed by ‘S.E.T’ meaning ‘See Everything Transform’ as a mixtape.”
Denyque and team are yet to reveal what “G.O” will be an acronym for, when it will be released and whether it will be an EP, mixtape or full-length album. Whatever it will be, it will surely be a treat for her loyal fans and a global hit.
Denyque continues, “A mixtape gives more freedom to showcase creativity – at least that’s what I think. There are pretty much no rules, just feelings and vibes. DJ Reem, from Champion Squad, is my official DJ and coincidentally also dubbed the ‘Remix King’ so it was only right.”
The process throughout the production of this project was incredible, easygoing and genuinely true to the core. Denyquestates that it was “full a vibes” and “didn’t feel like work” as “everything was just so authentic.” Denyque is driven and therefore mostly moves with what feels good to her, which is then emitted through her music so that listeners can feel the same sensation when listening to a Denyque track.
“My team will tell you, if it doesn’t feel good in my spirit then it’s on them. LOL!”
On “S.E.T”, expect to hear new music, songs that fans have loved forever and some freestyles recorded on beats from some of their favorites.
Denyque’s “S.E.T” mixtape was produced and mixed by DJ Reem of the Miami-based Champion Squad and Eminem’s Shadyville DJs. It was released on SoundCloud on April 4, 2024 and is loaded with freestyles, aka ‘DEEstyles’, recorded over iconic beats, with exclusive unreleased tracks and a few of her classics.
READY to be SET free? GO listen on SoundCloud now: https://www.soundcloud.com/championsquad/set
Denyque: @TheDenyque
DJ Reem: @DjReem
Follow Links:
#Denyque instagram.com/thedenyque facebook.com/Denyque/ youtube.com/@Denyque soundcloud.com/denyque tiktok.com/@itsdenyque
#DJReem #ChampionSquad
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